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Valley Center High School - Valley Center, Ca.

company profile   Valley Center High School

Project Begin
March 1997


February 1999

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Provided on-site and off-site improvement plans, special provisions and related cost estimates for this new school site of approximately 54 acres, more specifically as follows:

  • Site Paving Plan - provided horizontal control for all structures and hardscape items.
  • Grading Plan - grading of site required the excavation and embankment of approximately 460,000 cubic yards.
  • Utility Plans - responsible for the design of water, sewer and storm drain lines, septic system and leach lines, and the design of 3 detention storm drainage basins.
  • Offsite Improvements - Widening of public roads, including paving, street lights, traffic signal, signage and storm drain system. This work also included providing street dedication legal descriptions and plats.

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